Monday 11 February 2013


Hi today I am gonna talk about the famous world's number 1 entertainment company which if you dont know is WWE. Know I want you to post in the comments your favourite wrestler if you have one. Know some facts WWE was not always this famous there was a time were the WCW was beating them in views by far because of there budget. I will continue this tomorrow see you then.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Will We Die?

Hello and today's question is will we ever die? You might be thinking "Of course we will" but no with developing drugs geting better and better at preventing disease. Some scientists are beginning to think that every person born after the late 90s to now should live around 200 years. Yes I do know that is not forever but we are increasing average life span quite fast so in a matter of a couple millennia its possible that we will become immortals because of science.

Friday 8 February 2013

Gaming Friday!

Hi folks its Friday today. The day too slack off and chillax (Rage) and play some video games. Today its gonna be all about Guild Wars 2. I just want to say if you have 60 you could buy quite a few steam games but it is way more worth your time to get guild wars 2.

Now I want to say some things about the game. You might have heard its like World of Warcraft I have played both a suitable amount and I think its safe to say THIS IS A LIE!!!. They are both great games what I will write is 100% based on my opinion. To start of with I think that guild wars 2 requires more skill. I am not gonna say anything about the graphics because they have different art styles and are from a differrent time. The main difference in art styles is that gw2 has a more real looking texture were as WoW has more of a fantasy texture.

I might be making it sound like WoW sucks but no I like but games but for different things. But if you had to pick gw2 does not charge subscription so i would by it if you can only get one.

PS. Today's post came out so late because its Friday and i just finished exams so I was hanging out at my friends house.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Pizza Hut is Killing Us All?

Every one knows about how pizza is not that healthy right? But pizza hut is 10x worse as you will see in this post. In one single slice (1/8) of deep pan pizza hut pizza with cheese there is 270cal and 13g of fat. This extremly hight even compared to a regular pizza slice (1/8) which is 130cal. 

What do you think of this?

Leave answers down in the comment section bellow and make sure to 1+ and share if you enjoyed.
Hey guys and gals. This in my new blog and well if you dont know me my name is Luc Mifsud the whole aim of this blog is for me to get a better blog than Mathias Bartolo. The way this blog will work is i ask questions or say stuff and you give me your opinion this really cant work without your opinion i will try publish once every day but with exams or if i am busy it will be less.